Local Opinion

Engage Columbus great way to help residents

One sign of a community’s health is how active its residents are in local events and organizations. It’s good to see the Heritage Fund...

Who’s walking as the Proverbs 31 woman? It’s my mom

The classic and often-quoted passage from Proverbs 31:10-31, in case you were not already aware, is actually about my very own mom: Debra Diane...

Letter: Delaying school disrupts families’ lives

From: Gary Hehe Columbus Monday morning at 8 a.m. it was bright sunshine, very light breeze, clear, dry roads and...

Student funding solutions not clear-cut

INDIANAPOLIS — The results are in, and they are not surprising. Months after House Republicans first said they wanted to revamp school...

Letter: Pair of bills benefit energy monopolies

From: Michael A. Mullett Columbus This is to warn The Republic’s readers about two bills moving through the Indiana General...

Letter: Good leadership needed as city moves forward

From: Jim Strietelmeier Columbus As I read Bob Snively's letter published Feb. 8, I was struck by the phrase "good...

Best Bet: Comic book heroes abound on TV, film

It is almost a Golden Age for comic book fans who enjoy seeing their paper heroes up on the big and small screen. There...

Vetting of vote centers good sign for elections

Bartholomew County has a lot as stake when it debuts the cost-effective voting center concept with the May 5 city primary elections. Eight voting...

Irwin’s forgotten legacy… As a unicyclist

YOU just don’t see a lot of unicycles and inkwells around Bartholomew County these days. The subjects came to my attention recently through a...

Letter: Proposed bill hurts small-scale renewable energy effort

From: Cathy Caldie Columbus Rooftop solar is a great economic and environmental benefit to Indiana by providing jobs, conserving energy...