Local Opinion

Stake future in high schools

President Barack Obama came to Indianapolis to raise support for his $60 billion to $80 billion program for financing community college students. At best,...

Former WNBA player scores in ministry role after injury

Shanna Zolman had a great basketball career. During her high school playing days from 1998-2002 at Wawasee High School in Syracuse, Indiana, she led...

Quick takes – February 14th

Super event One of the hottest tickets in town every year returned last weekend as more than 2,000 people took in Super...

Letter: Columbus deserves leaders who walk the walk

From: Patricia Ghuman Columbus I received the intrusive telemarketing calls on my cellphone from Jim Lienhoop, who is running for...


I’ve studied the Gospel of John before but always from afar, relying only on what I heard remotely. Finally I had the...

Groups give life to state’s great Songbook composers

Saturday’s Columbus Philharmonic concert was a successful collaboration among Indiana-based musicians and a showcase of local talent. The Singing Hoosiers of Indiana...

Awareness needed about dangers of air guns

Air guns are not toys. If local children and teens don’t understand this soon, something tragic could happen. Unfortunately, this message still...

Vaccination remains best defense vs. measles virus

Unlike several states, Indiana has had no reported cases of measles this year. But that’s no reason to lower our guard. More...

Negative reactions natural part of freedom of expression

The recent Paris terrorist attacks brought into focus for me the whole issue of how freedom of expression operates in the public and private...

Letter: Behavior more pressing concern for children

From: Pauline Vogel North Vernon Early education is all we want: 3- and 4-year-olds in school. What we do not...