Local Opinion

Letter: Caring vet staff eased loss of treasured pet

From: Barbara Laffey Columbus We cannot express enough our gratitude to the loving, caring staff at Hope Veterinary Clinic with...

Letter: Indoor soccer facility would help local teams

From: Aidan Whitley Columbus We soccer players in Columbus really want a indoor soccer training facility. My friends and I...

Departments’ use of web, social media beneficial

Local law enforcement today is far more than road patrols, sidearms and handcuffs. Now their tools involve posts and likes and tweets and hashtags. ...

Rethink roads

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.” — Ghandi. Approximately one-third of the population does...

Residents have right to be fully informed about budget, actions

In a democracy, it is vital that citizens be fully informed about what their elected and appointed officials are doing. Without that information, open...

Nostalgic items find new homes

Nostalgia can be evoked by a variety of things, some of them pretty darn unusual. For instance, who can get all weepy at the...

Still time to help with United Way donation

Generosity is one of the great characteristics of Bartholomew County residents. Just ask the local United Way agency. Donations by residents and...

Letter: State can get jump on tobacco tax

From: Debra Richard Tobacco cessation counselor with Reach Healthy Communities Columbus News that state Reps. Ed Clere (R-New...

Letter: Alternative option available for train problem

From: Terry Marbach Columbus An alternative to the train problem in Columbus would be the following: Straight-line the...

Letter: News media ‘cried wolf’ on blizzard reporting

From: Noel Taylor Columbus One of Aesop’s fables is “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” This week’s public relations blitz about...