Local Opinion

Letter: ‘There am I but for the grace of God’

From: Fred Allman Columbus I want to comment on the sinful practices of Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman. But...

County, it’s time to enact new streams of revenue

Elected Bartholomew County officials have typically responded to budget crunches with belt tightening in departments, trying to make do with less. That...

Letter: Shape view of world by living for Jesus

From: Jewell Fleetwood Columbus Columbus is a city attracting people from many countries around the world. Some of the ideas...

Understanding outcomes key in making decisions

“Life is all about trade-offs,” one of my friends told me when I was lamenting that I didn’t have as much time to spend...

Letter: Planned Parenthood should be defunded

From: George Albers Columbus Please Google Margaret Sanger and read some of her works, and you will understand why I...

Shins hurt? Here’s what to do

If I were to do a study of running-related injuries, I’d bet money that the hottest topic would be shin splints. Most...

Republicans rejecting path to success, prosperity

INDIANAPOLIS — When the battle over Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act raged the hottest, the five living mayors of Indianapolis wrote a letter...

Government’s social media crossfire an embarrassment

If you thought postings on your Facebook page are private, you thought wrong. Photos that City Council member Kenny Whipker had on...

Letter: CAFO panel decisions not based on reason

From: Rick Hand Hope I’m a little concerned that the staff of The Republic wasted the majority of the CAFO...

Letter: Debris along interstate poses hazard to drivers

From: Andy Denny Columbus I am writing this letter because I am very concerned about the road safety on Interstate...