Local Opinion

No one has all answers, but teach by example for sake of our children

The mama quail leads her brood across my yard like a feathered drill team, a wee bit out of step. She clucks and fusses,...

Letter: Facts show action on climate change needed

From: Doug Logan Columbus A recent letter-to-the-editor writer repeated a couple of talking points that he apparently acquired from a...

Greenwood’s e-cigarette ban serves as useful model

Electronic cigarettes have become increasingly popular over the past couple of years as cities and towns restrict smoking in public. But the health effects...

Hardworking Hoosiers prove tonic to end sour mood

In this spring of our discontent with our state government, my columns became unusually negative. Many readers chastised me for that. They...

Quick takes – June 6th

Job well done Doing any job for nearly 49 years is notable, but Lora Mae Lowrey’s long service as a crossing guard...

Congress shirks duties, sits as spectator to ‘war decisions’

A few weeks ago, U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, made a small splash in the press when he took Congress to task for failing...

Sheriff’s meetings valuable for all residents

Sheriff Matt Myers has been leading community meetings around Bartholomew County in an effort to meet residents and hear their concerns. Already he’s conducted...

County’s forgotten 500 winner deserves recognition

Motorists know they’re about to enter Jonesville by the thin green sign on State Road 11 bearing the town’s name. As tourism goes, just...

Farmers markets beneficial to consumers

It’s nice to go to a supermarket and get fresh fruit and vegetables, even during winter and even if they come from South America....

Dennis McCarty column for 6-3-15 Opinion

The Columbus Human Rights Commission asked city residents at its May 27 meeting to put into writing comments regarding whether it should expand protections...