Local Opinion

Medical interpreters class fills vital need

More than 50 languages are spoken by families who have children in Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp., so there’s no doubt language barriers exist in...

Letter: City native: ‘Get your act together’

From: The Rev. Paul K. Schwartzkopf New Haven, Missouri During the 50 years that I have lived away from my...

Letter: Seeking meaning outside church’s walls

From: Jon Templeman Edinburgh I am searching for answers. I write this on a Sunday morning, as many people are...

Increased uncertainty fuels high volatility in market

Volatility returned with a vengeance in the first quarter of 2015, as investors grappled with increasing uncertainty associated with Federal Reserve (“Fed”) policy, signs...

Letter: Inclusion, compromise at heart of servant leadership

From: Richard Gold Columbus What makes Columbus special? What one thing makes our city remarkable, unexpected and unforgettable? Is it...

Letter: Republican leadership’s actions inappropriate

From: Louis Arterburn Columbus After watching what has been happening during this campaign season, I can no longer hold back...

Letter: Election will decide culture of government

From: Lance Snider Columbus Citizens of Columbus are paying especially close attention to the election that will decide our next...

Letter: Mayor went above, beyond promises

From: Rusty Richards Columbus As a resident of Columbus, I am astounded by the accomplishments of the current resident of...

Letter: Unnecessary loss of trust has damaged city

From: Isaac Marr Wilkins Columbus I am deeply concerned about the way our current mayor has created a divisive and...

Letter: Divisive atmosphere counterproductive

From: Ed and Lynne Sullivan Columbus As we prepare to leave Columbus after 35 wonderful years, we want to thank...