Local Opinion

Letter: Owner requests return of dog

From: Karin Hendry Philadelphia I would like to address the person who has stolen my dog, Cody, from the Newbern...

Various music programs good opportunities

Snow birds are returning and so glad to be back, albeit with a little whiteness abounding but on the wane. I love this time...

Clarity on hospice care aids decisions

As hospice and palliative Care are increasingly in the news, it is important to clarify several points. First, hospice is not a place; it...

Letter: Lienhoop learned leadership from employer

From: Katy Ritter Columbus I have worked for Blue & Co. LLC for 23 years, my entire professional career in...

Letter: Colloboration missing from city government

From: Sherry Stark Columbus I was fortunate enough to spend 10 years as head of community development under the leadership...

State title example of Bull Dogs girls’ resolve

Saturday night’s state championship victory was the crowning achievement in an incredible four-year run by the Columbus North girls basketball team. It’s...

Improved grad rates sign efforts on right track

The Community Education Coalition has been working toward the ambitious goal of a 100 percent graduation rate in Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. Initiatives such...

Letter: Believing the best despite troubles

From: Joawn Seeley Columbus It has taken me awhile to decide if I should write this because I know people...

Letter: Join advocacy day to raise tobacco prices

From: Stephanie Womack, Reach Healthy Communities tobacco program coordinator Columbus On Thursday, I will proudly represent Reach Healthy Communities at...

Survey key in taking pulse of community businesses

Columbus invests considerable energy every year recruiting new businesses to the community, helping grow the local economy. But the biggest economic drivers are companies...