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Stanley Owen



Jerry Raynor: World Soil Day focus is salt of the earth


Have you ever seen white crusts on soil in Indiana? Yes, it is what you think. Soils can be salty. That’s because salts are present naturally in soil and water and they have the ability to move freely throughout the soil.

Morton Marcus: Signage is for strangers


Recently, I searched for a business that moved from one site to another. I drove into the complex of buildings to which I knew they moved, but their name was not to be found on any entrance sign. Hence, I called the firm’s office where a recording assured me my call was appreciated and a return call would be made.

Jack Colwell: ‘Secretary Pete’ will need street smarts


Mayor Pete brought smart streets, smart sewers and other infrastructure improvements to South Bend.

Mark Franke: Let students rewrite Constitution?


A government professor at Skidmore College in upstate New York recently wrote an op-ed that was carried in my local newspaper. My wife recommended the column to me since it was about one of my favorite subjects — the United States Constitution.

Marilyn Kay (Newkirk) Rathsman



Bud Herron: ABCs aren’t elementary anymore


Learning the ABCs was the way most English-speaking Americans began their journey in formal education.

Letter: No one is immune from gun violence


From: Elizabeth T. Nolan-Greven

Tami Silverman: Teach kids benefits of kindness, gratitude


After months of self-care, protection and distancing, and with Thanksgiving and the winter holidays just around the corner, now is the perfect time to remind our children of the benefits of connecting with others through acts of kindness and giving. Like so many skills we teach our children, compassion and kindness take practice. Through their committed practice, they also can bring our children great rewards, such as increased confidence, improved collaboration and social networking skills, and a greater sense of community.

John Krull: Steve Bannon’s brilliant ploy


For a guy who prides himself on being so smart, self-proclaimed kingmaker Steve Bannon does some stupid things.