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Family struggles with extremes over holidays


Dear Amy: In our nine-member family, we have two people at extremes: One is a staunch anti-masker and anti-vaxxer.

Editorial: Don’t erode Indiana governor’s authority


Gov. Eric Holcomb was right to recently extend COVID emergency orders through November, and he’s also right to appeal a misguided court ruling that says lawmakers can call themselves into session. It’s an attempt to erode the Indiana governor’s few executive powers, and a recipe for political chicanery that the courts shouldn’t allow.

Nuptials in Belize won’t be a breeze


Dear Amy: Our daughter (age 31) is getting married for the first time to her long-time boyfriend. Parents of the couple are contributing $10,000 each to the wedding.

Michael Leppert: Oh, the drama of covering Facebook


The background noise my television provided during the awful year that was 2020 was most often made up of news. We would take a break from the news channels when the CBS, NBC or ABC morning or evening news shows were running, just for the thrill of that refreshing change of sound and scenery.

Editorial: Afghan debacle information must be declassified


Even as the Biden administration tries to close the book on U.S. misadventures in Afghanistan, it still has yet to open the books on embarrassing information that could expose how badly the 20-year stabilization effort was mismanaged.

Leo Morris: The new Superman fails to inspire


I’ve got a secret.

Letter: Quest for power harming our country


From: Larry Shade