Console-ing Passions 2024 Keynotes


Date(s) - June 20, 2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Buskirk-Chumley Theater

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This year, the College Arts and Humanities Institute will host Console-ing Passions 2024: An International Conference on Television, Video, ​Audio, New Media, and Feminism, with opening keynote events taking place at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater on June 20, 2024.

Opening Keynote Performance by Beatrice Capote
“Oshun’s Energy: An Immersive Embodied Performance Perspective”
11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Buskirk-Chumley Theater

This presentation will offer an embodied performance incorporating voice, dance, and audience interaction to showcase the deity, Oshun. Oshun, the goddess of rivers, femininity, and fertility, embodies teachings of resilience, empowerment, and vulnerability. The presentation delves into the mythical inquiry: Where does Oshun’s femininity intersect with spirituality? How do rivers and the symbolism of water purify our concept of femininity? In what ways does Oshun’s energy purify both nature and the human realm?

Beatrice Capote is an accomplished Cuban American contemporary dancer, choreographer, lecturer, and educator. She is renowned for creating Capotechnique, a unique fusion of Afro-Cuban dance traditions with contemporary dance forms. Capote amplifies Afro-Cuban people, narratives, culture, and religion to break stereotypes within the contemporary dance world.

Evening Keynote Lecture by Misha Kavka
“The Stickiness of Authenticity in the Age of ‘Dis-’, or Five Reasons Why We Should Stop Believin’ (But Won’t)”
6:00 – 7:30pm, Buskirk-Chumley Theater (reception to follow)

Misha Kavka is Professor of Cross-Media Culture at the University of Amsterdam and co-founder of the research group Queer Analysis at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. She has published widely on gender, sexuality, celebrity and affect in relation to television, film and media technologies. She is the author of Reality Television, Affect and Intimacy (2008) and Reality TV (2012), and the co-editor of volumes and special issues on reality television, gothic culture and feminist theory.

Console-ing Passions was founded in 1989 by a group of feminist media scholars and artists looking to create a space to present work and foster scholarship on issues of television, culture, and identity, with an emphasis on gender and sexuality. The first Console-ing Passions conference was held at the University of Iowa in 1992. Since then, Console-ing Passions has expanded to become not only the most important conference for scholars studying gender in television but also among the top conferences for scholars of media generally.

The 2024 conference is made possible with support from the College Arts and Humanities Institute, the College of Arts + Sciences, the Department of Gender Studies, The Media School, and Indiana University’s Presidential Arts and Humanities Program.

Doors will open 30 minutes before each event.